Sunday, March 6, 2011

Presentation Project

I have now successfully completed a powerpoint presentation and shared it with the world on YouTube.  The link for my presentation is  I have reviewed my presentation with the provided critique rubric as well as reviewed one of my peer's presentations on the appropriate discussion board.  In accordance with the rubric I feel as though my presentation was very well organized as far the layout of the slides.  I tried to make it flow very easily and keep everything in sequence. 

I also attempted to think of any questions ahead of time so I could answer them during the presentation instead of leaving my listeners wondering about my idea.  I think I did a good job at covering all the necessary details but not giving away too much information.  I also grabbed the listener's attention on the second slide by telling a shorty story about a long essay assignment due in two days.  I then went on to explain that our new site would be the place to go to see prior student's samples as well as conducting and saving your research.

I thought I gave an in depth review of what my website idea entails including the layout of the site, the market potential, the customers or students, as well as the overall plan for starting the business.  I didn't want to present too much information so I tried to leave out boring statistics as much as I could and focus on the essentials of the site.

I have learned a lot from this project.  I found the project to be fun and interesting.  I know on probably more than one occasion during my professional career I will have to give a presentation so I think this was a great way to start getting myself prepared.  The hardest part of the project for me was trying to convert the powerpoint presentation to a video so it could be uploaded to YouTube.  I tried several different avenues and finally got it converted but then my audio didn't exactly match my slides.  I tried redoing it several times but kept running into the exact same issue.  So I decided to settle with what I had but overall I think it was a very successful presentation

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